We’re exploring option from conception to childhood to help women take control of their fertility, birth experience, postpartum healing, and motherhood journey! This is a safe space for all parents to hear what the experts have to say and to hear from influencer parents and their take on parenthood! Join us for all things birth and parenthood for an empowering and educational walk with a birth and newborn expert and the found of Tranquility by HeHe Maternity Concierge, HeHe Stewart.
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
97: What No One will Tell You about Yoga During Pregnancy with Julie Starr
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Julie Starr, Founder of Starr Yoga and Shift by Julie, joins HeHe in today's episode to talk all about the common misconceptions that people have when it comes to yoga in pregnancy! Julie is also a midwife and brings a very special perspective to the table! Julie is a fellow No BS gal and we think you'll fall in love with her just like we have! This episode is filled with blunt honesty and unforgiving truths so buckle up! From birth prep to listening to your body, we are going there! Happy Tuesday, Villagers!
Learn more about the 2019 TBH Retreat and reserve your seat here!
Connect with Julie!
Shift by Julie Probiotics
Friday Feb 01, 2019
96: Friday Free Talk: How Worrying is Holding You Back
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
This episode is raw and real. Some might even say brutal. HeHe is diving into how you might be sabotaging yourself when it comes to conceiving, your birth, or motherhood. We know that worry is an emotion that is rooted in fear.. but fear of what? That will look different for everyone and only you can know what it is for you. HeHe is sharing what to do with that anxious energy to channel it into productivity! She is encouraging you to lean into the uncomfortable pieces of the journey because that is usually where the most growth happens. Don't come to this episode with a chip on your shoulder because in the end, you learn that maybe, just maybe, you're the one blocking yourself... (dun, dun, dun!!).
Learn more about the 2019 TBH Retreat here!
Watch the youtube video!
Sign up for our newsletter here!
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
95: Being Mindful in Motherhood with Sarah Bivens
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
We dug up episode #13 from the files and are re-sharing it here! Sarah Bivens in coming Boston in February to speak at our 2019 TBH Retreat! She will be teaching us all about finding balance in motherhood and how to be mindful in our daily actions!
Today is all about learning to be in control of your thoughts. HeHe and Sarah dive into what self-care looks like in motherhood. We talk about why it's so important to set time aside for yourself, why communication can make or break a system, and how you can start your journey of finding "balance." Parenting and being a partner can be challenging, so what happens when your cup is empty and there's nothing left to give? Join us as we talk about the not-so-pretty moments of filling so many roles and how to find a place in your life that you want to relish in every single last moment!
2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
TBH 5-day challenge https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019
TBH Virtual Mom Meet-Up https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712
Friday Jan 25, 2019
94: Friday Free Talk: What's a Maternity Concierge?
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
In today's episode, HeHe is breaking down exactly what a Maternity Concierge does each day. The care that TBH clients receive is above and beyond because our end goal is above and beyond, the mindset shifts we intentionally walk through is above and beyond, the language we use is above and beyond. It's been called "extra." She's not afraid to "go there" with TBH clients because we've have seen the pay off in the end. The TBH Approach was born during one of HeHe's trainings and has slowly transformed into a comprehensive approach from infertility support to the first three years of your child's life! The TBH team will be with you every step of the way!
2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
Check out more about Maternity Concierge here: https://www.tranquilitybyhehe.com/
Hot Stones as Pain Relief for Labor: https://youtu.be/wjpuKfx2cZM
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
93: CBD + Motherhood with Ashley Reynolds
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Ahhhh! Alas, the topic that is quietly buzzing, circling like a taboo topic, but almost everyone is curious. Cannabis and parenting. Can you use it for morning sickness? Does it get to your baby through breastmilk? Can you smoke it? Do you have to stop using it to get pregnant? These questions are on many people’s mind and we don’t have even a quarter of the information right now. We’ve only begun to tap into the tip of the iceberg. To get our tribe started on this topic, HeHe sat down with Ashley Reynolds, Founder of Elmore Mountain Therapeutics, to bring you the conversation you’ve all been waiting for. This episode will not answer all of your questions. Rather, we’d like it to get your wheels turning. We intend to continue the exploration and conversation around cannabis and it’s benefits for women. This may be for you and it may not be for you, but it is an option for everyone and that’s our goal. Ashley is explaining the basics of CBD including our cannabinoid systems and what you might feel like after you take CBD. She’s also sharing how incorporating CBD into your daily routine may be the easiest decision you make all year. I can't wait to share this topic with you!
2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
Elmore Mountain CBD: https://emtcbd.com/
Friday Jan 18, 2019
92: Friday Free Talk: Bulldog Parenting
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Inspired by 3 different events seemingly placed in HeHe’s path intentionally by the universe, she sat down and chatted about a term she coined in grad school. Having gone to Mississippi State University for undergraduate, she learned a funny little secret about bulldogs that makes for the perfect parenting approach, too! From helicopter moms to free range parenting, there’s a million labels out there. HeHe is here to share that you’re allowed to be whatever combination you feel is best for your kids and your family. Listen in to learn there quick phrases that will help you set boundaries in the moment if you are caught in a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable!
2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
TBH 5-day challenge https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019
Navigating the Land of If Book: https://amzn.to/2ALfroV
“Parenting Styles” https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2018/09/19/parenting-terms-explained-lawnmower-helicopter-attachment-tiger-free-range-dolphin-elephant/1357612002/
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
91: Are You Disrupting Your Hormones with Food? with Kristin Thomas
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
HeHe is joined by the Founder of Thrive by Food, Kristin Thomas, to chat about all things hormones and food, plus a little leaky gut! Did you know that there are specific foods that align with various times in your menstrual cycle. If you eat these foods (or avoid certain ones!) at the right time, it can help support your body better. We will be diving into symptoms that present as one thing, but might actually be another. Kristin in sharing her opinion on supplements and natural ways to improve digestion. Finally, the buzzing questions of leaky gut.. Yep, we’re going there! Join us to hear how you can take control of your gut health in 2019!
2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
TBH 5-day challenge https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019
TBH Virtual Mom Meet-Up https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712
Thrive by Food: https://thrivebyfood.com/
Friday Jan 11, 2019
90: Friday Free Talk: This Is NOT A DRILL!
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Remember when you used to practice fire drills as a child. For me, there were different expectations at home and at school. Fire drills came up in a recent conversation and per usual I connected it to birth, in particular home birth and hospital birth. Digging deep into the files from studying Psych at Mississippi State University, I am showing how the foundation we lay as children impacts the way we birth our children. This is an incredible episode with so many "Holy Cow" moments! Your birth is not a drill. You get one chance to do this thing. I'm sharing the ways you can practice "birth drills" just as we did in school as little munchkins. Happy Tuesday! I can't wait to hear how you use these tips to prepare for your birth!
2019 TBH RetreatL https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
89: Is Nanny Care Right For Your Family? with Sara Cook
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
HeHe is sitting down with the Founder of Cloud9nannies, Sara Cook. They are chatting about deficits in the industries that lead to common fears of hiring nannies. Sara is even sharing what you can expect from part time, full time, short term, and long term nannies. Sara is sharing the important details that parents should be paying attention to or asking about when interviewing nannies. The person you leave your child with during the day will be responsible for keeping your child alive until you return. Think about that. Skill level matters, professionalism matters, their knowledge of child development matters. Sara is sharing how to have sticky conversations and how to set boundaries like a sick policy, snow days, and general expectations.
Ps. If you’ve ever wondered about nanny cams.. this episode may or may not be for you...
2019 TBH Retreat:https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood
{ FREE } 5-day challenge: https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019
Virtual Moms Meet Up:
Sara can be found here: http://cloud9nannies.com/about/
Here are a few more helpful resources:
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
87: What To Expect When Expecting With TBH in 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Welcome to the new year, pal!I absolutely love the turn into the new year. For me, it is not bitter sweet-- it's just sweet. It feels refreshing and like a very deep cleanse, from a soul level. It's like a shedding of an old me and I'm breaking free into a new me with 365 days of unlimited and unleashed potential! I'm going to be reflecting on the 2018 year for Tranquility by HeHe and exactly how amazing our TBH Tribe is! You played a crucial role in our growth and spreading the word of this amazing village! I'm also sharing what the "first trimester" of 2019 has in store for TBH, for our village and what we are bringing to YOU! Buckle up because 2019 is going to be the year that TBH transforms thousands of women's lives. I'm soiled you're on this journey with us! Listen closely in this episode and I'm sharing the two themes that I have picked out for Tranquility by HeH for the year. I can't wait to help you take control of 2019!
2019 Retreat: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/balancing-motherhood-retreat-tickets-53375032158
Mastering Your Mindset in Motherhood 5-Day Challenge: https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019
Free Virtual MaMa Meet-Ups: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712